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Naveen Eluru
Studies transportation systems and its impact using econometric and optimization approaches

Naveen Eluru Associate Professor

Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering
Office: Eng II, Room 301D

He is Also:

Director of the Transportation Econometric Modeling Group (TEMG) at UCF

"The challenges of modeling human decisions and their interaction with the transportation system, coupled with the opportunity to work with talented students, drives my research."


What factors influence one’s decision to drive to the office instead of take the train, to purchase a sedan over a minivan, or what time to leave for an appointment? The collective impact of those decisions creates a ripple effect in the world around us. Eluru’s research spans the broad area of transportation, in the development of models that enable us to understand complex processes. These models analyze the decisions behind everything from what kind of car to buy to how often we choose to go to the grocery store. Using real-world data, Eluru develops econometric models to provide recommendations to policymakers for improving the transportation system across various domains, including road safety, travel behavior, traffic engineering, transportation planning and urban mobility.

Societal Impact

Eluru’s research has made a significant impact on our society, and it is funded and utilized by policymakers to make informed decisions. His work gives them the data they need to create regulations on wide-ranging issues, from the frequency of public transportation to the optimum shoulder width of roads to help decrease response time by emergency personnel. Eluru’s work delves into the health effects of sustainable transportation as well, in the form of equity analyses of air quality for walkers and bikers in downtown, higher-pollution areas compared to drivers who commute from the suburbs.

Graduate Students and Achievements

Eluru and his students have received several paper awards from the Transportation Research Board Committees on transportation safety, freight planning and statistical methods. Several papers published also are among the most cited articles in various journals such as Analytical Methods in Accident Research, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part B, and Journal of Transport Geography.

His students are employed in various academic roles, including an assistant professor at the University of Missouri, a research fellow at the University of Queensland and a research associate at Imperial College London.


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Transportation, from the University of Texas at Austin

Master’s in Civil Engineering, Transportation, from the University of Texas at Austin

Bachelor’s in Technology in Civil Engineering, India Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras


Course He Teaches

TTE 3677 Discrete Choice Models in Transportation

TTE 4300 Transportation Data Analytics

CGN 6655 Regional Planning


Transportation Econometric Modeling Group (TEMG) at UCF

Discoveries/Publication Highlights

Highlighted papers include:

One of the first quantitative models for bikeshare systems:
Faghih-Imani A., N. Eluru, A. El-Geneidy, M. Rabbat and U. Haq (2014),”How does land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: Evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal,” Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 41, pp 306-314

A comprehensive model of bicycle safety:
Yasmin. S., and N. Eluru (2016), “Latent Segmentation Based Count Models: Analysis of Bicycle Safety in Montreal and Toronto,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 95, Part A, October 2016, Pages 157-171

A model for analyzing the value of air pollution information:
Anowar S., N. Eluru, and M. Hatzopoulou (2017), ” Quantifying the Value of a Clean Ride: How Far Would You Bicycle to Avoid Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution?” Transportation Research Part A 105C, November 2017, pp. 66-78


Visit Eluru's Google Scholar Page


Eluru’s research has received funding from:

  • National Science Foundation
  • National Cooperative Highway Research Program
  • Florida Department of Transportation
  • U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
  • Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
  • Ouranos Inc.