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Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

UTAs will take on the following responsibilities:

  • Attend mandatory training.
  • Assist course instructor with grading for homework, quizzes, lab reports, etc.
  • Assist the course instructor with class preparation and course materials. This may include the set up of AV equipment or lab specimens, maintenance of the course website and photocopying. 
  • Coordinate with the lead instructor for the course, graduate teaching assistants and other UTAs.
  • Complete the post-program assessment.
Undergraduate Learning Assistant

ULAs will take on the following responsibilities:

  • Attend mandatory training throughout the semester.
  • Assist students with learning the course material by means of discussion taking place during class or lab time.
  • Assist students with learning the course material in help rooms or by leading review sessions outside of class time.
  • Hold office hours.
  • Coordinate with the lead instructor for the course, graduate teaching assistants and other ULAs.
  • Complete the post-program assessment.