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Current Students
Program Handbook & Catalogs

Ph.D. Milestones

College of Graduate Studies Forms and References

The Modeling and Simulation Graduate Program complies with the College of Graduate Studies’ policies and procedures. Please use this link for information about any university regulation and appropriate protocol.

Doctoral Committee/ Candidacy Status Form

This form must be submitted once the student has passed the candidacy exam and before enrolling in dissertation hours.

Doctoral Committee/ Candidacy Status Form

Thesis Advisory Committee Form

This form must be submitted before a student enrolls in thesis hours.

Thesis Advisory Committee Form

Graduate Petition Form

To request an exemption from a UCF Graduate Policy such as the 7-year rule, transfer limits, etc.

Graduate Petition Form

Traveling Scholar Request Form

To request permission to take a course at another institution and apply toward completion of your UCF degree.

Traveling Scholar Request Form

Special Leave of Absence Form

If anticipating non-enrollment in 3 consecutive semesters, or a break in thesis/dissertation enrollment. File this form if you wish to be retained in the program despite absence under these circumstances.

Special Leave of Absence Form

Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
Qualifying Exam Protocol Packet

All the information a ModSim Ph.D. student needs to know to complete their qualifier.

Qualifying Exam Protocol Packet

Qualifying Exam Assessment Form

Form for Committee to assess qualifying exam evaluators.

Qualifying Exam Assessment Form

Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
Candidacy Exam Protocol Packet

To evaluate a student’s preparation to undertake the research in their specific dissertation topic area. It is considered the student’s dissertation proposal defense.

Candidacy Exam Protocol Packet

Doctoral Committee/ Candidacy Status Form

This form must be submitted once the student has passed the candidacy exam and before enrolling in dissertation hours.

Doctoral Committee/ Candidacy Status Form

Candidacy Exam Assessment Form

Each member of the committee should provide an assessment for each measure of Candidacy on this form.

Candidacy Exam Assessment Form

Defense Assessment Forms
Modeling and Simulation ETD Final Semester Checklist

Modeling & Simulation Final Semester Thesis and Dissertation Protocol.

Modeling and Simulation ETD Final Semester Checklist

Dissertation Assessment

Each member of the committee should provide an assessment for each measure of Dissertation on this form.

Dissertation Assessment

Defense Brochure Template

M&S Template for Defense Announcement.

Defense Brochure Template

All M.S. Milestones

Thesis Defense
Thesis Defense Assessment Form

Each member of the committee should provide an assessment for each measure of the Thesis on this form.

Thesis Defense Assessment Form

Special Registration Agreement Form

For students enrolling in IDS prefix independent study, directed research, thesis, dissertation, internship, etc. These are students whose advisors are in the School of Modeling, Simulation, and Training.

SMST Special Registration Agreement Form

CECS Restricted Registration

For students whose degree will be endorsed by the College of Engineering & Computer Science (CECS). Use for enrollment request for independent study, directed research, thesis, dissertation, internship, etc. The form AND contract must be fully completed in order for the student to be enrolled.

CECS Restricted Registration

COS Restricted Registration

For students whose degree will be endorsed by the College of Sciences (COS). Use for enrollment requests for independent study, directed research, thesis, dissertation, internship, etc. Sections 1, 3, AND 4 must be fully completed in order for the student to be enrolled.

COS Restricted Registration Forms