Olusegun Ilegbusi is a professor of mechanical engineering at UCF. Previously, he was a professor at Northeastern University in Boston, a member of the principal research faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar and a visiting professor at MIT, a post-doctoral associate at Imperial College in London, and a lecturer at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria.
Professor Ilegbusi graduated with a first class B.S in mechanical engineering from the University of Ibadan and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Imperial College, University of London. His numerous pioneering research accomplishments include the integration of intra-vascular ultrasound with computational fluid dynamics for the first flow profiling of human coronary disease in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, and the determination of the first patient-specific elasticity of a human lung, in collaboration with the University of California at Los Angeles.
His current research also includes the development of novel tissue-equivalent materials and additive manufacturing techniques for ultra-soft tissue equivalent materials. He has three patents, has authored and co-authored seven books, and published over 200 scientific papers in scholarly international journals. He has been a consultant to major corporations and organizations in the U.S., Europe and Japan.
Recent Publications
- Gerasimov G.N., Gromova V.F., Ilegbusi O.J., Trakhtenberg L.I. “The mechanisms of sensory phenomena in binary metal-oxide nanocomposites.” Sensors and Actuators, B., 240, 613-624, 2017.
- Hoffman-Ruddy B., Nadun-Kuruppumullage D., Carnaby G., Crary M., Lehman J., Ilegbusi O. J. “Computational Modelling of Cough Function and Airway Penetrant Behavior in Patients with Disorders of Laryngeal Function.” Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 2(1), (2017) 23-29.
- Seyfi, A. Santhanam, O.J. Ilegbusi+, “A Biomechanical Model of Human Lung Deformation Utilizing Patient-Specific Elastic Property,” J. Cancer Therapy, 7(6): 402, 2016.
- Ilegbusi, O. J., Kuruppumullage, N., Silverman, E., Lewis, V., Lehman, J., & Ruddy, B. H. Mathematical modeling of tongue deformation during swallow in patients with head and neck cancer. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 22(6), (2016) 569-583.
- Ilegbusi O.J., Seyfi B., Neylon J, and Santhanam A.P. (2015). “Analytic intermodal consistent modeling of volumetric human lung dynamics,” Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 137, 101005-1. PMID: 26292034.
- Trakhtenberg, L.I., Gerasimov G.N., Gromov V.F., Belysheva T.V., and Ilegbusi O.J., “Conductivity and Sensing Properties of In2O3 + ZnO Mixed Nanostructured Films: Effect of Composition and Temperature,” Sensors and Actuators B 187 (2013) 514-521.
- Ilegbusi, O.J., Li, Z., Min, Y., Meeks, S., Kupelian, P., Santhanam, A. 2012. CFD modeling of airflow inside lungs using heterogenous anisotropic lung tissue elastic properties. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 173, 205-211.
- Teuma E.V., Ilegbusi, O.J., Unsteady integro-differential equation of fluid-structure interaction in constricted collapsible tube model of diseased human coronary artery. International Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2012, (2012), Article ID 376350, 21 pages,
- Ilegbusi O., Z. Li, Y. Min, S. Meeks, P. Kupelian and A.P. Santhanam, “Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Airflow inside Lungs Using Heterogeneous Anisotropic Lung Tissue Elastic Properties” Studies in Health Technology Information, 173 (2012) pp. 205-211
- Ilegbusi, O.J., Iguchi, M., and Wahnsiedler, W., Mathematical and Physical Modeling of Materials Processing Operations, Chapman & Hall/CRC, New York, 1999.
- Iguchi, M. and Ilegbusi, O.J., Multiphase Flow Phenomena in Materials Processes: Gas-Liquid Systems, Springer, New York, 2010
- Ilegbusi O., Z. Li, B. Noferest, Y. Min, S. Meeks, P. Kupelian and A.P. Santhanam "Modeling Airflow Using Subject Specific 4DCT Based Deformable Volumetric Lung Models," International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2012, Vol. 2012, 2012:350853.
- Trakhtenberg, L.I., Gerasimov, G.N., Gromov, V.F., Belysheva, T.V., and Ilegbusi, O.J., “Conductivity and Sensing Properties of In2O3 + ZnO Mixed Nanostructured Films: Effect of Composition and Temperature,” Sensors and Actuators B 187 (2013) 514-521..
- Imperial College, University of London Ph.D. (Ph.D.)
- University of Ibadan, Nigeria B.S. (B.S.)