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Jeff Kauffman is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCF. He earned doctoral and master's degrees in aerospace engineering at Penn State and a bachelor's degree in engineering and applied science/aeronautics at Caltech. Kauffman conducts broad research in the areas of structural dynamics and adaptive structures, with particular focus on multifunctional and energy-efficient structures for vibration reduction, energy harvesting and structural morphing. His research has been funded by several government agencies and industry partners.

Recent Publications

  • Lopp GK, Kelley CR, Kauffman JL (2018) “On the transient dynamics of piezoelectric-based, state-switched systems,” Applied Physics Letters 112 (5): 054012.
  • Lopp GK, Kauffman JL (2018) “Resonance Frequency Detuning with Application Towards Blade Mistuning,” Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 140 (5): 051007.
  • Ganesan V, Das T, Rahnavard N, Kauffman JL (2017) “Vibration-based Monitoring and Diagnostics using Compressive Sensing,” Journal of Sound and Vibration 394: 612-630.
  • Kelley CR, Kauffman JL (2017) “Optimal Switch Timing for Piezoelectric-Based Semi-Active Vibration Reduction Techniques,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 28 (16): 2275-2285.
  • Kelley CR, Kauffman JL (2017) “Adaptive Synchronized Switch Damping on an Inductor: A Self-Tuning Switching Law,” Smart Materials and Structures 26 (3): 035032.
  • Lopp GK, Kauffman JL (2016) “Switch Triggers for Optimal Vibration Reduction via Resonance Frequency Detuning,” Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 138 (1): 011002.
  • Kauffman JL, Lesieutre GA, Babuska V (2014) "Damping Models for Shear Beams with Applications to Spacecraft Wiring Harnesses," available online ahead of print in Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets. doi: 10.2514/1.A32440
  • Lesieutre GA, Kauffman JL (2013) "'Geometric' Viscous Damping Model for Nearly Constant Beam Modal Damping," AIAA Journal 51 (7): 1688-1694. doi: 10.2514/1.J052174
  • Kauffman JL, Lesieutre GA (2012) "Piezoelectric-based Vibration Reduction of Turbomachinery Bladed Disks via Resonance Frequency Detuning," AIAA Journal 50 (5): 1137-1144. doi: 10.2514/1.J051344
  • Kauffman JL, Lesieutre GA (2009) "A Low-Order Model for the Design of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices," Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures 20 (5): 495-504. doi: 10.1177/1045389X08101559


  • The Pennsylvania State University Aerospace Engineering (Ph.D.)
  • The Pennsylvania State University Aerospace Engineering (M.S.)
  • California Institute of Technology Engineering & Applied Science (Aeronautics) (B.S.)


Structural Dynamics, Adaptive Structures, Multi-Stable Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration Damping and Control, Turbomachinery and Rotordynamics.

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