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Curriculum – Overview
- The PP&SE track in the Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) program focuses on effective decision-making and successful project delivery of innovative solutions in engineering and technological organizations.
- The program is tailored to the needs of the experienced, working early and mid-career professionals.
- The curriculum was defined based on the Business Case model and was developed with the focus on understanding organizational challenges and opportunities to make strategic solution delivery consistently successful with a focus on project leadership development for working professionals to “create a burning desire and confidence to lead teams in delivering word changing solutions”
The Courses
- The MSEM-PPSE Track typically includes 11 courses. All courses are connected and flow in a logical, pre-determined fashion through project steps and deliverables. Students must successfully pass an oral comprehensive examination as part of a capstone exercise (usually in the form of EIN 6182 – Engineering Management) to satisfy all degree requirements. The students must also complete a capstone course to integrate the material in a specific project related to the industry sponsor’s needs. Typically, this additional class is in the form of EIN 6950 – Industrial and Systems Engineering Capstone which is a 3-credit hour course.
- Please refer to 2020-2021 UCF Course Catalog for a complete course description: Engineering Management MSEM, Professional Project and Systems Engineering (PPSE) Track.