Master of Science in Engineering Management: Professional Project and Systems Engineering Track
At eli², we offer programs designed to transform early and mid-career engineers, technologists, and scientists into team leaders, lead systems engineers, and project managers to deliver innovative solutions.
In additional to a traditional Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) with classes held at UCF and online during regular academic semesters, UCF also offers a cohort-based Master of Science in Engineering Management with a Professional Project and Systems Engineering track (MSEM-PPSE).
MSEM-PPSE Program Mission – The Big Why
- Humanity
- Deliver World-Changing Solutions
- The Organization
- Corporate Growth
- Purposeful, Intentional and Consistent Innovative Solution Delivery
- Cadre of Leaders Who Have the Burning Desire & Confidence to Lead Teams
- The Individual
- Increased Confidence, Comfort, and Presence in Leadership Positions—Lead Teams to Deliver Solutions
- Career Growth and Corporate Visibility
- Intellectual and Emotional Maturity
- A Network of Leaders Who Support Each Other

MSEM-PPSE Program Goals – The Student’s Why
- Enhance Innovative Solution Delivery Practice through Mindset, Processes & Tools
- Innovative Solution Delivery
- Technology and Strategy
- Creativity and Innovation
- Project Management and Leadership
- Decision Making
- Statistics + Decision Analysis + Cost Engineering
- Systems Engineering, Architecting, Integration and Testing
- Innovative Solution Delivery
- Enhance Professional Development
- Workplace Presence
- Life-long Career Management
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Technical Communication
- Enhance the Life-Long Peer Network
- Relationships and Connections Inside and Outside of the Organization
MSEM-PPSE Program at a Glance — The What
- Provides with Necessary Methods, Processes, and Tools:
- To Deliver and Manage Complex Systems
- To Improve On-the-job Performance
- To Maximize an Organization’s success.
- Integrates Project Delivery Processes through:
- Leadership
- New Product Development
- Systems Engineering
- Cost and Decision Analysis
- Project Management.

MSEM-PPSE Program at a Glance — The How
- Designed for Early and Mid-career Working Professional
- Dedicated High-quality Faculty
- Concierge-service Program
- Highly Interactive Sessions, Every Other Week for a Full Day
- “Flipped” Online Presence
- Two-year, Cohort-based Program
- Pre-defined Curriculum Developed with Logical Course Flow
- Classes of up to 30 Students at the Rosen College
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