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Chuck Drake is Vice President of Tetra Tech, Inc. He is a sixth-generation native of Orlando whose great-grandfather trekked to east Orange County in 1869, and whose great-great-grandfather was Orange County’s first elected sheriff.

Chuck has 35 years of experience in hydrogeology, water resources and water supply planning. His expertise lies in groundwater resource evaluations for water supply, water supply master plans, wellfield design, permitting and construction, aquifer performance tests, groundwater flow modeling, and water use permitting for many municipal government utilities throughout Florida. He is a licensed professional geologist in Florida (# 37), with B.S. in Geology from the University of Florida.

He started his career in 1982 working for the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) in the regulatory division, reviewing consumptive use permits for all types of water use. Currently, he serves as the Secretary of the St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board, appointed by Governor Scott in 2011 and reappointed in 2015. He is chair of the Water Supply Committee and is active in water supply policy and minimum flow and level development at the SJRWMD.

Chuck is active in the Florida Association of Professional Geologists and the American Institute of Professional Geologists. He is a trustee of the Florida section of the WateReuse Association.

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