Wednesday, July 21


8:00 AM (2:00 PM)

Welcome Day 1, TBD

8:15 AM (2:15 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Marion Bartsch

Title: Realistic High Temperature Testing of Materials for Aerospace Applications

Abstract: Materials for aerospace applications have to endure extreme thermal, mechanical, and environmental loads. It is challenging to characterize the materials in a realistic manner for these service conditions in a laboratory environment. Requirements and considerations for the development of complex test techniques will be presented and discussed on the example of a thermal gradient mechanical fatigue (TGMF) testing facility for material systems used for gas turbine blades. Modifications of the test facility for allowing in situ investigation by synchrotron x-ray diffraction will be shown as well as some exemplary results achieved by this technique.

8:30 AM (2:30 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Jayanta Kapat

Title: Realistic Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness of a Transpiration-Cooled Leading Edge fabricated by Laser Additive Manufacturing 

Abstract: Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) is an emerging technology capable of fabricating complex geometries not possibly made by investment casting methods for gas turbine applications. LAM techniques consist of building parts in a layer-by-layer process by selectively melting metal powders. In the present study, a mock leading edge segment of a turbine blade fabricated by LAM of Inconel 718 powders is investigated. For this particular design, the traditional showered film cooling holes have been replaced by engineered-porous regions with the purpose of simulating the effect of transpiration cooling.  

8:45 AM (2:45 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Kareem Ahmed

Title: High-Speed Compressible Turbulence from Hypersonic Jet Engines and Power Generation to Exploding Stars

Abstract: Turbulent flows power our everyday life on earth through the heart of many energy generation and propulsion systems, such as gas turbines, internal combustion, and jet engines. They also power the universe through energy produced in stars, such as in the sun, and in the most powerful explosions known in the universe, supernovae explosions. High-speed compressible turbulence imposes numerous fundamental challenges driven by significant compressibility effects and strong coupling between the turbulent flow and exothermic reactions. In recent years, the advent of high-speed, high-resolution advanced laser diagnostics has allowed the detailed exploration of the flow dynamics in extreme, previously inaccessible regimes characterized by high flow speeds. Such regimes are fundamental to the operation of many modern propulsion applications, from gas-turbine/internal-combustion engines to scramjets and rotating detonation engines (RDEs). The presentation will overview of a range of phenomena recently discovered in experimental studies of high-speed, compressible, turbulent reacting flows.

9:00 AM (3:00 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Isaac Boxx

Title: Understanding H2-Enriched Natural Gas Swirl Flames through Highspeed Laser Imaging and Simulation

Abstract: A major impediment to the economic viability of carbon-free renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power is an inability to effectively utilize the power they generate if it is not immediately needed. One option to address this is to use excess generator capacity during off-peak demand periods to produce hydrogen (H2), a high energy-content, carbon-free fuel that can be mixed with natural gas and distributed to end-users via existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure, where its energy content is recovered via combustion in conventional gas-turbine (GT) power plants. H2-enrichment, however, dramatically alters the combustion dynamics of natural-gas and its effect on turbulent flame dynamics, combustion stability and pollutant formation in GT combustors is not well enough understood today for this scenario to be safely implemented with existing power plants.

The objective of this study is to facilitate Europe’s transition to a reliable and cost-effective energy system based on carbon-free renewable power generation. It accomplishes this by developing advanced laser measurement techniques for use in high-pressure combustion test facilities and using them to acquire the data necessary to develop robust predictive analysis tools for hydrogen-enriched natural gas combustor technology. This data is then analyzed in close collaboration with simulation and modelling teams and used to rigorously test and validate combustion models and predictive analysis tools currently under development.

9:15 AM (3:15 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Samik Bhattacharya

Title: Morphing Wings and Flow Controls

Abstract:  The movement of manta rays and owls are unique and are not yet replicated in human-built aircrafts. This movement is studied by creating morphing wings, or airfoils that bend throughout its movement. Flow controls, such as plasma actuation, can control the flow around objects, such as cylinders or turbine blades. The effect of these flow controls and the movement of morphing wings are investigated though particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV).  

9:30 AM (3:30 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Daniel Schanz

Title: Advanced Lagrangian Particle Tracking

Abstract: The Department of Experimental Methods at the DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology in Göttingen is developing optical and acoustical flow measurement techniques. In recent years, three-dimensional Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) was a major development topic. This talk will give an introduction into LPT at high seeding concentrations using the Shake-The-Box method. The underlying ideas will be briefly introduced, followed by the application to an experimental test case. An overview of post-processing methods will conclude the lecture.

10:00 AM (4:00 PM)

Poster Session

11:00 AM (5:00 PM)

IRES Alumni and Student Panel

11:45 AM (5:45 PM)

Closing Remarks

Thursday, July 22nd

8:00 AM (2:00 PM)

Welcome Day 2, TBD

8:15 AM (2:15 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Subith Vasu

Title: Non-Intrusive Laser/Optical Diagnostics and Sensors for Problems in Hypersonics, Energy, Propulsion, Fire, Detonations, Rockets, Space Exploration

Abstract: We use optical and novel laser diagnostic techniques to investigate various problems in fundamental and applied issues spanning mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and relevant to practical conditions. This strategy provides non-intrusive, time-resolved, and remote detection of thermodynamic and flow properties such as species, gases, temperature, pressure, etc. Applications of these techniques and available facilities span low -temperature and -pressure vacuum (similar to atmospheric and space conditions) to high -temperature harsh environments (faced in rockets, fires, hypersonics). In addition to providing crucial experimental knowledge about these systems, measurements provide critical validation targets for computational modelers and codes.  

8:30 AM (2:30 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Clemens Naumann

Title:  Ignition Delay Time Measurements of Natural Gas under Oxyfuel Conditions and the Fundamental Combustion Properties of Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ)

Abstract:  The German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Institute of Combustion Technology and the Department of Chemical Kinetics and Analytics is doing research on natural gas under oxyfuel conditions and measuring ignition delay time. Further, research regarding fundamental combustion properties of alcohol-to-jet (AtJ) is conducted. 

8:45 AM (2:45 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Michael Kinzel

Title: Shock-Raindrop Interaction and Potential for Cavitation-Induced Droplet Breakup

Abstract: Hypersonic vehicles entering the atmosphere have unique challenges including very high loads when interacting with a raindrop. Such loads drive a need to understand droplet breakup mechanisms. In this work, analyses and volume of fluid-based computational fluid dynamics are used to understand breakup mechanisms. At hypersonic speeds, the time scale is very fast along with a short distance scale. This leads to conditions where there is not enough thermal energy or time to vaporize the droplet, shear stripping occurs to slow, leaving cavitation as the fastest physics with potential to drive high-speed droplet breakup. The results indicate that studies of rain impact at hypersonic speeds demand and understanding of cavitation and its role in droplet breakup mechanisms.

9:00 AM (3:00 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Seetha Raghavan

Title: Shedding light on the mechanics of high temperature coatings

Abstract: The strain-dependent characteristics of ceramics under the effect of light sources, such as the brilliance of lasers and high energy x-rays, hold key information on the behavior that makes these material systems superior, and yet limits their durability. The exploration of these techniques for will be discussed for thermal barrier coatings (TBC). In TBCs, synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements provide both qualitative and quantitative in situ results on the strain evolution over the depth. Here, the role of thermal gradients and mechanical loads was determined in replicated environments. Laser-based luminescence sensing concepts for TBCs provide temperature and damage detection for integrity monitoring. Developments made through these research areas are currently being used to expand the versatility of the techniques to meet realistic testing environments and to enable structural diagnostics tools.

9:15 AM (3:15 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Ravisankar Naraparaju

Title: Development of Novel CMAS/VA Resistant TBCS: Influence of chemical composition and the microstructure.

Abstract: The CMAS associated degradation of 7 wt% yttria-stablized zirconia (YSZ) thermal barrier coating (TBC) layers is one of the serious problems in the aero engines that operate in dusty environments. CMAS infiltrates into TBC at high temperatures and stiffens the TBC which ultimately loses its strain tolerance, reducing the service life, and delaminates. Common infiltration mitigation strategies focus on a reactive material that upon interaction with molten CMAS glass induces a partial or full crystallization, sealing the porous features of the coating stopping any further infiltration. Any novel TBC material will react differently to varying CMAS/VA compositions and form numerous reaction products which might bring a completely new unintended effects. Novel TBCs such as gadolinium zirconate and 65YZ (65wt.% Y2O3 rest ZrO2) coatings were applied by EB-PVD and their interactions with various CMAS and natural volcanic ash were studied. It was found out that the reaction products were heavily dependent upon the CMAS chemistry and minor oxides in the CMAS should not be neglected. In addition, the TBC microstructure and the porosity played a vital role in hampering CMAS infiltration. Two different EB-PVD 7YSZ microstructures namely ‘feathery’ and ‘normal’ were tested against CMAS infiltration and it was found that tailoring the microstructure can hamper the CMAS infiltration kinetics. Simultaneously, these results are supported by microstructural simulations using ABAQUS where effects of feather arm lengths, inter-columnar gap width and feather inclinations on the infiltration kinetics are derived

9:30 AM (3:30 PM)

Speaker: Dr. Laurene Tetard

Title: Exploring defect engineering for heterogeneous catalysis on 2D materials

Abstract:  Defect engineering in 2D materials has emerged as a versatile approach to design new materials for heterogeneous catalysis. Achieving new functionality by design requires to have suitable tools to control the creation of defects and monitor the structural and chemical changes occurring in the host material. Taking the example of hydrogenation of propene and reduction of carbon dioxide recently demonstrated on metal-free hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) using mechanochemistry, we will present in this talk our multiscale approach and in situ analysis spectroscopy platform to determine the nature of the defects created in h-BN. Next we will provide evidence of photocatalytic activity of defects in h-BN under visible light for dehydrogenation of propene. We will discuss the formation of carbonaceous material at the site of illumination in addition to the products of the reaction in gas phase and highlight the importance of environmental-control measurement systems for this application. Lastly, we will discuss how the new functionality achieved by defect engineering in h-BN for visible light-assisted capture and conversion can also be engineered for other applications such as sensing or quantum devices.  

10:00 AM (4:00 PM)

National Laboratories Panel (TBD)

10:45 AM (4:45 PM)

Closing Remarks